SUI – Service User Involvement Rationale
The development of the Framework for Service User Involvement is under pinned by the National Drug Strategy 2009-2016 and its focus on the development of “Service User Involvement and Empowerment “across a number of actions and objectives. The Development of this framework by both Development workers in the South, Gordon Kinsley & James O Dwyer was underpinned by the Action 42 of the National Drug Strategy and the development of “Service User and Drug User Fora”. The NDS itself contains within it seven key areas in relation to service user involvement, they are as follows
This framework has been developed with the assistance of a literature review by the Health Research Board, Consultations with the HSE, Mental Health Commission and HIQUA. As a result of this process and the review of evidence based literature, it is necessary that Service User Involvement and ultimately the development of Service User Fora are incorporated within the operational culture of our services and coordinating structures. Opportunities for involvement and empowerment are essential throughout the different levels of service provision and strategic decision making. Key conclusions from a review of Service User involvement within the Health Service Executive (McEvoy, Keenaghan &Murray 2008, pg6 2008) and that of Coney (2004), Simces (2003) and Ridley and Jones (2002), “is that it is possible to be engaged in numerous involvement activities without really involving people particularly if professionals continue to drive the agenda and make decisions about services and treatments without taking service users views into account “.
The framework is based on the following premise /points
The SUI manual 2015 can be found here: Service User Involvement Manual