
Southern Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force

The Southern Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force is an unincorporated body.

It does not have directors, nor does it have a bank account.

 Chairperson of Southern Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force

Chairperson: Tom Daly,

Address: SRDATF, 1ST Floor, Kinvara House, Dublin Hill, Cork

Telephone: 021-4930100

Role of chairperson

The key responsibilities of the chairperson are to:

  • Ensure the Drug & Alcohol Task Force works together towards achieving its aims;
  • Act as spokesperson and representing the Drug & Alcohol Task Force, as appropriate;
  • overseeing the development, implementation and monitoring of an annual work programme by the Drug & Alcohol Task Force;
  • Help to resolve conflict
  • Convene meetings of the Executive Sub-Committee to make emergency decisions between meetings, where necessary, in accordance with procedures agreed by the Task Force;
  • Help members to work well together in discussing and deciding issues;
  • Encourage all members to participate fully and ensuring that they are heard;
  • Suggest ways of dealing with conflict and ensuring that it is not ignored; and
  • Ensure that members are aware of their responsibility to make meetings effective.